Monday, May 18, 2009

London so far...
So we have been so busy!! We have seen so many sights and its actually starting to feel like we live here! its so insane! its absolutely beautiful and i love the group of people we are with. I have made some pretty awesome new friends, but i really miss my friends back home and from harding!! I have discovered three main things while in london...
1. there are so many opportunities in the city and i love the theatre world of it all
2. i am more of a southern girl than i thought, i want to live in the country when im ready to settle down
3. i love exploring new cultures and being surrounded by all this new stuff, its pretty much incredible

on another note, me and harrison are reconciled. I know there are mixed feelings on this subject, but im happy and i love him. and he loves me. and neither one of us are perfect and we are working hard to fix those things. but im in love with my best friend. and im so blessed for that. 

tomorrow we go on a overnight trip to oxford!!! YAY!!! i love yall and hope your having a wonderful summer!!!


  1. i support you and harrison. i always felt it was a good decision and inevitable. i love you.

  2. thanks kev i love you! and the time apart has made us so much closer now...we have both grown up a lot. its crazy and amazing! i miss you
